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Architecture Doctoral Program

TED University PhD Program in Architecture aims to question the epistemological foundations and quality of the knowledge produced in the field of architecture and contribute to the definition and mapping of architectural knowledge. This comprehensive framework aims to produce research of high academic quality within the broad richness of contemporary concepts, theories and methods by including the main subfields of the field of Architecture (Design, Criticism, History, Conservation, Building Technologies) with a broad vision.

The PhD Program in Architecture will be designed in relation to the research topics and projects of TEDU Department of Architecture and will aim to create a common research culture with the Master's Program.

Design and Research Studios, which are compulsory courses in the Master's Program, are designed with the goal of 'Research through Design' and offer a learning environment based on intellectual, methodological and critical processes in which research and practice are integrated within the field of architectural designand it is aimed to continue this approach in the PhD Program. These studies on the relationship between design and research, which are defined as 'Research for Design' and 'Research through Design' in current debates and separated from each other, will be taken as a basis in structuring the PhD Program, and the research to be produced will be based on the specificity of the field and knowledge of architecture.